Well, difficult to find out but I am feeling sick that I am unable to find even a single reason which have helped improving me my grades. Anyways, am starting from the things that have changed over the past three months.
1) Sleeping schedule:- Last trimester I use to sleep for like 8 hours on average. I was very serious during the first month (was excited about MBA actually), was attending most of the lectures (most of the subjects were new and confusion level was low as I didn't know a thing about them). This trimester I utilised for sleeping. The average stood somewhere around 10 (a conservative estimate, something greater than this figure exactly).
A possible explanation could be that when you sleep more, you feel fresh and active and have a better retention capacity (but only when you study something, so ofcourse this explanation is a crap).
2) Going out:- The frequency increased and the interval got shortened, Twice in a month became once in a week and sometimes two, three times a week. The number of DVDs increased in my room and not a single one of them is educational. Spencer plaza and Sathyam cinema looks so familiar now, thanks to the second trimester.
3) Mobile Phone usage rate:- Drastically increased and it seems that I discovered suddenly that most of my friends are working professionals now and they are unable to forget me. So my phone can't stop ringing and then Mukta (you will keep seeing this name more often in my blog) contributed in her own special way. Poor girl, she had to endure all those OB theory and marketing Jargons though she has nothing to do with all that. But I am glad that she stayed there and went through all the blah blah blahing of mine and the worst part is that she was paying for all those 30:01 minute calls.
4) Bunking rate:- If not comparable to my undergraduate days, at-least it increased over the last three months. The one and only obvious reasons to bunk was to sleep.
5) Study hours:- Well, surprising they also decreased. The only subject I studied was marketing where I ended up getting a B+ (the highest grade this time is B+) and that too was more like "Say nO tO Kotler".
Well, so these were the five major things (apart from my grades) that changed over the past three months. Though many more things have changed but then "Whatever happens, it was bound to happen" so its okay. Life teaches you many things and in the process it makes sure that you remain up on the learning curve. You see people changing, their beliefs, faiths, perceptions and even loaylty changing and then you see yourself becoming a part of all this change. If you resist there will always be a repulsive force from the opposite end and if you don't you run the risk of loosing your real self.
Anyways, one serious thing that changed in the last trimester was that I got rid of my illusions about a MBA with finance specialization and settled for a major in marketing. On a casual note, my level of confusion about HR issues also drastically increased. God knows, its for good or for bad.