Mar 26, 2007
Mar 25, 2007
Hit a hundred. Earn a citizenship..
Posted by
9:56 PM
Mar 22, 2007
Two great articles before the Big Match..
Posted by
7:08 PM
Mar 20, 2007
Door Darshan's Family HIV education..

Over the years, the quality of the advertising has deteriorated, these messages need to be conveyed to the public but then the audience you are addressing (youth) is not the only one watching TV. When a cricket match come, chances are that the whole family (you call yourself a family channel) is watching it and there you mix up the message. I dont know what kind of thinking goes behind media planning for these ads that even when there is a need to convey these messages to society, their process is entirely ineffective and not called for.
Posted by
6:40 AM
Mar 19, 2007
The Google Phone.
Posted by
10:32 PM
When to know that you have progressed in your life?
Posted by
10:16 PM
Time to focus on other sports..
Anyways, India's performance will keep up fluctuating, who knows they might actually create a record of sorts today or again get close to loosing. Don't know but most of us suffer from the same mindset. Take things easily, and when it gets tough, blame external conditions. Task for Indian team is easy that Bangladesh played better but for corporate India whose thousands of crores is hinging on India's performance in world cup there is no such excuse. Why the hell these people are hell bent on promoting cricket when people are actually running away from watching this 8 hour long lazy game. It's time to invest money in sports like football, hockey, Kabaddi and even for that sake in Kho-Kho. Remember Yuvraj broke his leg/hand (don't know whatever) while playing that. Time to put in money in all those sports and make them more glamorous.
I am dying to write something on the various advertisement which are centred on Team India. Will be ready with that sooner.
Posted by
2:41 AM
Bob Woolmer 'The death of an Era.."
Posted by
2:10 AM
Mar 17, 2007
A finance student's perspective :- On India loosing to Bangladesh
The Indian cricket players are needed to be told that they finally earn their bread and butter out of public money and time. We spend our time watching all those stupid matches and advertisements and we pay taxes so that DD can use that money to broadcast matches. And Darling if we stop doing any of these you will be out there like Zimbawe players or Canadian players selling insurance or repairing vehicles. Some might have to go again driving Tractors or may be fishing also is not a bad idea. So we all are stakeholders of this mighty Indian cricket empire.
Now, suppose a company which have lost everything in a Day what is the moral responsibility of the band of their top line officers? If you loose out your stakeholder's money in a night then either you will be fleeing over night with your suitcase (and girlfriend maybe) or you will be sitting in your bathroom with your veins cut or as most of these players like to drink, you might be drinking some champagne with that extra bit of heroine or some other lethal drug to sleep and never wake up. Or you might prefer to jump from the fourteenth floor of your apartment building so that atleast people can see that you went through the same pain, you suffered the same, you felt what they were feeling, you also lost something and you care for their time and money as well as they do. Comeon guyz they don't want you to bat for Pepsi or Coke or Bank of Baroda, they want you to bat for India. They want you to actually go out and make a statement that we are the best.
But then, Indian team is a bunch of shameless people (some of them call themselves great also) who go out there without any preparation and push everything on plain luck. These people don't even have the shame to sit there in their rooms and reflect on what went wrong. These shameless creatures are only good enough to give angry look to 17 year old youngsters and then shamelessly will watch him to come out of the crease and hammer them for long sixes. Zaheer should be the first one to learn some modesty. You did the same thing in last world cup final and if you have forgot the hammering, pick out the record book and watch your bowling figures.
Dravid should lock himself in a room and do whatever he want, Ganguly should celebrate a little, Yuvraj can have a bottle of his regular drink and for rest of them, West Indies is a coastal area and people say that the sea there is deep. Come on guyz, jump off what are you waiting for? Do you want people to go around and break your window panes? Well, you are lucky that you play for a country where people easily forgive mistake. Just wait and watch what happens with Pakistani team if they lose to Ire-land. They would run out of places to hide their cars in Pakistan. And may be for hiding themselves too.
Posted by
2:50 PM
Collapse of a mighty Indian Side..
But for India, it's the beginning of an end. Chappel/Dravid/Sehwag/Sachin they are old, they are lazy and they are making statements only off the ground. Sachin is coming out on TV with all kinds of ad, Sehwag is talking that how Dravid's decision is justified and Dravid is talking the same. Chappel do not talk much but by now people have come to know that most of the things that he talk about are bullshit.
Suprises :- Dravid/Chappel combine is out there to surprise people. They are changing the batting order, playing only four bowlers, keeping Kumble out (why the hell you have taken him when he is not your spinner no.1, bcoz we all know that the no. 2 is Powar) and then today the best surprise was batting on a wet wicket. Awesome decision making. This shows that they are under a lot of pressure by mere presence of Ganguly in the team. They know that their future is in danger. Mr. Dravid do some batting on the ground also don't just save it for advertisements.
Posted by
2:30 PM
comments "Identity theft issues"
Identity theft issues:- For sending invitation to your friends they ask you to enter your email id and password so that they can send a custom invitation to all your friends. Now, the mother Teressa syndrome inside you will surely prompt you to do all this and give away as many dollars as possible for charity as long as its coming from outside. But then, the flip side is that most of your friends might treat it as SPAM and don't bother to click on the link or you may be giving away your password to someone whom you don't know and who might be making false promises to donate dollars for a charitable cause. I can not understand that why the hell a person wants to donate money in somebody's else name unless he/she has a lot of black money. So your cause of concern should be about protecting your identity. In any case don't give your password to them. They are not a secure website and can distribute your ids to other spammers. That is one way of making money.
Well, don't get sad if You still want to donate those virtual dollars there is another way out. Try opening the website on your computer again, you will find your home page with a link like this (which you can scrap) to your friends or can post on your blog but please warn them and don't just watch your friends giving away their passwords to someone who is promising big bucks in your name .
Posted by
1:14 AM
Mar 16, 2007
Cool New Military toys..

Posted by
7:13 AM
Life of Happiness or Life of Meaning?
Well, a dialogue between Linderman and Nathan (in the pouplar TV series HEROES by Tim Kring) made me think about this topic that what is more important "happiness or meaning"? Well when we say that these 2 are different basically we assume that "happiness has no meaning at all". But I guess it does have a meaning. These 2 are different paths but then the different roles you play in your life, you can always find a trade off to become a better person. Being obsessed about future and carrying the burden of past does not mean that you loose out on the finer aspects of human life or your present. Life is really beautiful and everything has a meaning. Happiness too has one.
Posted by
4:51 AM
Mar 15, 2007
Why we need minnows team for the cricket world cup?
Australia (Current world champions) : - We need minnows so that we can teach those fu***** a lesson that it takes a ponting or waugh to win a world cup, a Lee to test the strength of the ribs of opposition players. They need to be taught that how cricket is played and gone were those days when it used to be a gentleman's game. You Sonovabitch, you need to pounce, bounce and drill into opposition to play at world level. (Arrogant team, honest answer)
Srilanka :- We need more participants at international level to make the game popular (saying it for the heck of saying) We need minnows so that Murali can go upto 1000 wickets in One day cricket. You know we need our share of representation in record books.
New Zealand:- See Mcmillan and Oram are in fine forms, playing against minnows ensure that they boost up their confidence and then we can experiment around a little bit. And we need these team to boost up our confidence as a team as well. (Flemming is a real nice chap and coolest Captain I have seen ever).
Pakistan:- Inshaallah! Allah created every one equal and we all have equal right to play. These people need to come at international stage and play as much cricket as possible. If we keep on playing against these weak teams then none of our bowlers will need to take any drugs. It's good for us and it's good for the cricket both.
Others have to say something also. Though it's not important as we already have some idea that what these people gonna say, but still I will continue with it.
Posted by
12:44 PM
Life is not a closed book examination..
Posted by
12:02 PM
The gurilla joke..
Posted by
5:27 AM
From French fries to Chapathi and Dal..
Posted by
1:43 AM
Writing a journal article is easy - Reading is tough..
Posted by
12:45 AM
Mar 14, 2007
People have started talking about Sehwag now..
Posted by
7:09 AM
Familiarity breeds Contempt..
Right from the day 1 we are seeing this professor toiling hard with us to knock down some basics of finance in us. More than eight months, over 3000 powerpoint slides, a number of cases, midterms, end terms, surprise quizzes and there he was again repeating his golden words after eight months "Familiarity breeds contempt like when you come to know about something and it becomes repetitive you kind of start hating it".
Well, don't know about hating him but I have lost my interest in finance for sure. I remember that before joining IFMR which has finance as its middle name, the only specialization which I could think about was finance but then, last October everything changed (looks like a movie tagline, will come to it later) and the focus of my life is to earn a specialization in marketing (other things remaining constant).
Coming back to familiarity thing I guess we all do that in our daily lives. It do breeds contempt. After a certain period of time we start taking people for granted. even those people who are important to us and are significantly affecting our lives directly or indirectly. Sometimes you feel bad about this and sometime you just move on leaving everything on time. But equally true that we express our anger to only those whom we really love and care for. Familiarity do breeds contempt in certain cases but then it also tells you that you are someone close and hope that contempt will fall through and familiarity will be the only thing remaining .
Posted by
6:52 AM
Mar 13, 2007
Sehwag must be happy watching the first match.
Posted by
10:47 AM
Shameless politicians..
Gandhi Madam is also silent and BJP people are counting each steps of theirs as they dont know that how many of their MPS have submitted incorrect date of births and age proof. So as a matter of fact nobody is speaking up. Mr. Subba only give one answer that the matter is in court and they will decide. There have not been much instances in our democracy where a MP has actually been declared guilty by court but then a lot has changed from the days of independence. If something has not changed then it's the attitude of people like us towards politics and perhaps this is why youth are shying away from politics. Well if this continue then Subbas will keep dominating the politics. People like him who finds that opening a lottery and gambling unit is more profitable than opening a school, how come we expect them to lead the country in 21st century?
Posted by
7:06 AM
Boozing and Finance..
I am seriously repenting on the thing that why I didnot started reading backwards. I should have read the instruction first. Hahaha not because I would not have taken the effort to complete the chapter, rather because where will I find Gin and Tonic at 2 am in the morning? It's Chennai, most of the shops close by 10.
Posted by
6:22 AM
Mar 12, 2007
Youth For Equality Running elections.. Each one of us counts..
Posted by
1:31 PM
Regulating student's life.. It sucks
I have a simple answer. I agree that in your age there were not enough schools, colleges, opportunities available but also lacking was the competition. You did not have to carry all the burden of expectations of your parents who are exposed to so many situations. You did not face competition from all around the world. So, when you do a comparison you always chose to discount the change happening around us. If a guy in US comes with one software we are all affected and may be thousand will loose their job. You never faced situations of this kind and all you want is to put regulations on the student's lives.
It could work but then it should come from a participative style and not a forced approach. Banning internet is not a solution to your problems, it's your mindset which shows that this is the source of all the stress in their lives but my dear old friends, it's not internet, its you who are tormenting them and tearing their brains apart. Dont distrust the wisdom of your students, don't discount that they have toiled hard and probably many of them knows where they belong. Don't take their toys away from them. Let them play, let them have fun. IIT'ians are also normal human beings with a little extra knowledge.
Posted by
8:48 AM
Mar 11, 2007
How to write a book and then Sell it?
Posted by
10:26 AM
Chicken Eating Cow..
Posted by
10:13 AM
Food- that is what we all live for..
I am writing this just to share the happiness of my soul and my stomach both after last two days of awesome food. First was at Rain Forest, a small theme restaurant in Adyar and second at Rajasthani Dhaba in Anna Nagar. Now, the fact that these 2 places are located in 2 different corners of Chennai strengthen this fact that for good food we are willing to do whatever it requires. Rain Forest has 100's of things on its menu and we poor veggie ordered Nan, Dal makhni & Kadhai Paneer hoping it to be decent (they made us wait for 45 minutes). But then, the food was worth it. Can't expect a better north Indian taste in Chennai. But then, another restaurant which is entirely different from Rain Forest (minimalistic in interiors and all they offer is good food) Rajasthani Dhaba offers you a selection of Rajasthani and north Indian dishes. We tried thali and though we were so full after some time we kept eating as if behaving like a camel in a desert who is not sure after how long they will see the same food.
So happy is our stomach and happy are we. Looking forward to another hectic week with classes, lectures, presentations and quizzes. God bless us.
Posted by
9:40 AM
Mar 10, 2007
Statistical Significance and Managerial Significance of Sehwag's selection.
The statistics has a different story to say. In last few matches Sehwag reached above forty only once. Got out every time flashing his bat outside the offstump or by showing off an over ambitious shot. The statistics by all way indicates Sehwag is on a slide and a scenario analysis with Mcgrath or even with bowlers like Chaminda Vas will tell you that he is not going to reach even 30's before he will be out from team forever. The statistical significance is that Sehwag should not be picked and may be batsmen like Badrinath, Dhawan or for that sake Mongia should be given a chance.
But then the real life has many unpredictable variables and a simulation study can tell that if Sehwag scores a blitzkrieg 50 odd runs, the chances of India winning the match increases by let say 30%. As a statistician people can ignore this but then as a manager when Rahul Dravid has to decide his team he has to consider all the options available with him and then take the decision. We cant doubt his abilities as a captain based on some statistics because the writing on the wall is that " What is statistically significant may not be a significant information for a manager and what is significant for a manager may not be statistically significant".
Posted by
9:45 AM
The picture on the wall is not of Hasan Ali.
Posted by
2:53 AM
The 35000 crore man went missing..
Posted by
2:46 AM
Mar 9, 2007
THE NAMESAKE " another one from Mira Nair.

Kal Penn is another name which is though not too much famous but I have watched his two movies "American Desi" and "Harold and Kumar going to white castle". He looks like an American born confused desi and he acts like one. He is simply awesome in funny characters. So it's worth watching how he fared in rather serious and demanding role.
Tabu plays Ashima in the movie and I have no doubt in her capabilities as a brilliant screen performer. She will definitely add some value to the character of Ashima ganguly who in the original novel reluctantly accepted the American culture and just keep craving for Indian. The movie will be an interesting watch for someone who still have passion for theatre art. I will watch it for Irfan Khan. He fits well in those characters which involves a lot of talking. let's see how he fares here.
Posted by
9:01 AM
Digging around.
Posted by
5:33 AM
Mar 8, 2007
India in Pictures..

Posted by
3:35 AM
Chidambaram's plan to use the money nabbed from Hasan Ali..
- Take the money from him and use it to give more subsidies to dog food and for that vet department. (The healthier and the more the dogs, more the dob bites, more the need for anti rabies shots). See, the system's approach to problem solving.
- 33000 crore that means he is in 30% slab. So 9900 crore. Well that's tempting (even bigger than fodder scam) but well where I will be able to hide that? No! but then he mentioned that he has a diary with all the other names okay so let those names come out and then I will decide how to distribute the money. (some will be needed to pass over to the media also to do the coverup act)
- I am forgetting about the Unani, Siddha, Naturopathy department. Will increase their grant. If common public don't know about this department then atleast these fatso leaders will need that to keep their pot bellies clean.
- And last but not the least, we all can use a little of that money to modernize the toilet compound of the parliament. Even locals are complaining about the foul smell. Though some of our MPS don't mind using the sulabh sauchalya outside but still modernizing toilets is all the more important.
Contingency:- What the hell I am thinking about, who the hell cares for the country and the economy and for that matter who the hell cares for Aam Aadmi. Let them go to hell, I will ask this man, what can he do for me, I guess he knows more than me on hawala and swiss bank.
Posted by
2:59 AM
The fourth richest Indian - Poor guy.
Posted by
2:29 AM
Mar 7, 2007
Mom! how many times you will get married?

Posted by
6:46 AM
The diving spirit..
You see, people are bound to fail when they try to do something extra. Get your basics right men in blue or you will soon be in Blue.
Posted by
5:41 AM
However hard you try..
The professors give you cues, and then blast you off and then again try to stimulate your thought process and there is a point of time when you enter into full submission with a desire to listen to him on and on. Kotler is blasted like anything and perhaps out of all business schools in India this is one school where students hate the Kotler most not because it's too tough to read or have increased in size and content over years but because of one simple reason that it's not going to help. We have come to believe that "Kotler fellow can write anything and his USP is to provide all the latest marketing jargons in his book but at the end of the day what matters is your abilities to think through". So, in the end it all boils down to this one thing that however hard you try, it doesn't matter because all your Kotler fundas are going to be hit for a six. IIM K people got a hint of that when they were here to participate in the advertisement contest. They were pretty annoyed/impressed only after 15 minutes of probing. Guess, we have to go through all that thrice a week.
Posted by
5:21 AM
Mar 6, 2007
Holi @ IFMR

I missed that pit thing from my engineering college but then MBA is all about managing well within the constraints. People were spot on in realizing that the open tap and the covered enclosure gives a feeling of a pool and with a little digging with our feet can turn it into a mud pool. So there we are, throwing the people one by one in that pool and making up for the depth by the use of buckets, hands and legs (splashing muddy water) to paint the whole body into mud. (Glad that guyz didn't get plaster of paris that time or somebody would have carried all the weight around him/her for at-least next 4-6 hours).
Girls were equally enterprising and they seemed to be knowing the use of mud well as it was all splashed around their hairs, neck, face and all over their dresses. Guyz didn't know the proper use so they generously put as much as possible on each other (use as you want style). After two hours of jumping, shouting, running, tugging, pulling, pestering, forcing, arguing, convincing, debating, cajoling, luring and co-ordinating finally somebody evoked the need for Bhang. But then, in Chennai this is one rare commodity. (Not so rare if you know the right people). So finally we had to do away with specially prepared "Thandai" with only the colour of Bhang in it. Finally somebody shouted that we have viva too and then there came the break.
I don't want to miss on the story of washing the dirty clothes but then that is again a long one. Will continue.
Posted by
12:32 PM
Guilt and frustration..
Posted by
12:24 PM
Mar 3, 2007
The festival of colours is here..
Posted by
1:09 PM
My little Poem..
Bheed se alag ek adad mukam chahta hoon
Apni rooh, apna jism, apni Jaan chahta hoon
Loot lo tum chahe ye saare sitare
Main to bas ye khula aasmaan chahta hoon..
The poor translation will be something like..
I want to get away from this crowd and achieve
a life, a body and a soul which I can claim as my own
You can have all the stars and the moon
all I want is this empty, endless sky
Posted by
9:38 AM
My Tryst with Poetry..
" Fire and Ice"
Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice.
From what I've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.
But if it had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction
iceIs also great
And would suffice.
But then I guess I can post some of those lines that I use to scribble whole day on the last pages of my notebook. So if you are a reader of my blog be prepared to get some poorly translated text from my poems.
Posted by
8:43 AM
The Big "W"..

Posted by
5:21 AM
BJP's yoga Bad, UPA's yoga Good..
Posted by
5:04 AM
Mar 2, 2007
Life as an Outlier..
Posted by
6:19 AM