Dreamzzz, Desires n Desperation...: One Sinking Feeling..

Jun 17, 2006

One Sinking Feeling..

Today was my last day in this campus. Should I feel happy, or should I feel sad? Well, I can't answer this with the same proficiency that I have displayed during my written examinations for all this time. I know I am feeling confused and so is everybody else around me. The story has finaly reached its conclusion. A gruelling three hour session in examination hall, chants of three cheers afterwards, bhangra in the open, a ride across the college campus and a sinking feeling that a dream is over now. Today was the last day of undergraduate life and from tomorrow we have to start worrying for our future, responsibilities, finances and commitments.

I am wondering that I hardly spent any time together with most of my classmates but still I am getting this feeling that from tomorrow onwards I will miss them like anything. I will miss their presence which was being taken for granted for all these years. I will miss those familiar faces around me and miss the bathroom songs of my not-so-sweet-voiced friends. I am definitely gonna miss my ex-roomie who has seen me through all my ups and downs and I will miss my I- don't-give-a-damn attitude friend... I will miss those crazy phone calls in the middle of the night just to disturb my sleep. I will miss the girl whom I secretly admired for all this time.

friends, I will miss you all for sure.
Wish you all the best in your life...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


This was touching...tears nearly rolled out of my eyes!

dnt knw who else will....but i'll surely miss you buddy! I'll miss your 100GB brain and 3 GHz tounge!

My genuine belief and prayer is that you'll be the most successful guy in the history of this mysterious place!

Plz be in touch...take care!


p.s. whoooooooooooose dat gal???