Dreamzzz, Desires n Desperation...: Should I feel proud to be a part of the crowd?? part 1

May 3, 2006

Should I feel proud to be a part of the crowd?? part 1

Engineering students are considered to be a crazy bunch of maniacs who shares a common vision of fixing (sorry to hurt your spirits friends but, the way the university syllabus is designed, it makes you learn how to fix things and not how to create them). So, tomorrow some of us might fix bugs in the software programs, some may fix the faults in elctrical and electronics machinery, or some might pursue higher learning for fixing the things at some higher level. May it be politics, or finance or for the advocates of world peace, it could be as big as an aim as, fixing the moral disorder of the world. Now, I find that my self-percieved definition remains valid for most of the engineering institutions where I have my friends or friends of friends studying. But, the moment I try to take a saunter down the memory lane, I find this statement bogus and absurd. Life as an engineering student means studying your asses off for the most of the part of year, attend every lecture of even that lecturer who can't pronounce a correct word of english (he/she can't hide behind this crap that the institute is in Punjab, for god sake, we are not a punjabi minority institution). You find yourself submitting every assignment when you know that 80% of them are not a product of your creativity but, of your capability to cheat. To cheat your professor by making him believe that you are a genious when you are not even close to one. In the process you cheat your own self.

Speaking for airtime:
What's the use of studying for four months when, the purpose is getting only good grades. This logic seems to be far from my understanding that you speak in the class only for capturing airtime. You ask silly questions and feel confident about yourself that you are the smartest (when you know that deep inside you are actually a smartass type). And sometime you just keep trying to make sense with your spoken statements. I think those persons are much much better than you, who do not compete with you for getting hold of the airtime, because they are confident about whatever the knowledge they have and they never feel ashamed of admitting this fact that they know little. Well, I was the one who knew very little about all those things which were asked by those lazy professors during those crazy hours which, by no standards contributed anything to my learning process. I think that I have used those hours to perfection by reading Ayn Rand Classics.

Hated for humor:
As a person you should have certain sense of humor. And as an engineer I guess, it should become an integral part of your daily life. The daily dose of humor keeps you active and happy. Practising excessive happiness is by no measure a debacle to your profession but rather, it's a thread which will keep you closely knitted to those around you, in your personal and professional life. But, thanks to you all, I have seen another side of humor. despise for it. Humor is creativity and despise for it translates into hatred for creativity. Hatred for humor means you are too dumb to see a different side of life, you are too reluctant to allow your ego boundaries to be overcome. Well, I have been at the suffering end for our humor and I express my thankfullness to the almighty that he saved me from turning into a nerd or a book worm or a not-so-creative self. Though I am not a geek but I am proud I have retained my sense of humor and hopefully will get the enigneering certificate with all of you soon..

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