Dreamzzz, Desires n Desperation...: Wanna Do MBA? Think, Think.

Jul 14, 2006

Wanna Do MBA? Think, Think.

I am lucky that I have survived the first week of my MBA program but the rigours of the course is making me ponder over the reasons why I chose to go for a M of Business Administration. I remember that I was always good in economics and if I could have resisted my father's insistance on me to chose engineering as a career option, then perhaps, I might have completed my masters in economics by this time. The whole idea is that, my like for economics grew into a desire and the engineering way of thinking that I developed during my engineering course added a twist to it and I started thinking that, a career in Business Administration will be the safest (*Jargaon is Value Addition) and the best option for me. So, my perception about MBA was that if I can relate myself well with the jargaons in economics then perhaps it's all going to be easy for me. But, well, "It Depends".
The beauty of the phrase "It depends": On the very first day of the program, we learned just one thing and that is about being diplomatic. One plus One is obviously two, after all, we have cleared CAT, got good percentiles and posesses good mathematical skills. We must know this thing. One plus one must be two or the fundamentals of counting won't exist. But well, we have learned to say that 1+1 can be 2 or cannot be 2. It depends. A plain question asked, Are you good with maths? The answers could be either Yes (egoistic will be the HR officer's perception about this person) or a No (Humble but a person who is low on confidence). We all know our potentials. But well ask this question to a MBA student and you will get the answer "It Depends". Price is rising, clearly the demand should fall, now a question is asked, should the demands for a good go down? well, the same good answer, "It Depends"
Ubiuqitously you will find this phrase "It depends" in the dictionaries of all the MBAs. Well, are they really trying to be diplomatic or behaving like a smart ass who believes he knows all the other aspects of the question? Well, again my answer will be "It Depends". Yeah, it really depends on the origin and orientation of the question. Like 1+1 could be somewhat like adding the efficiencies of two persons together as a team. Now, this could be exactly twice their individual efficiency but again it depends on how they go along together. The chances are that if they really click together, they might add up to 2+anything. But then, a conflict in interests/ambitions might depletes their combined theoretical strength. So the safest answer is "It depends".

For the mathematic question, again it depends on what kind of mathematics skills you posess. A ninth grader will also say that yeah I am good in Mathematics but then he is good only with mathematics till grade 9. So again it depends.
I picked up this jargaon really fast because I know I am going to use it all the time. It's really a beautiful word. Anyways, I really thought that MBA is all about economics, accounting and philosophy. But then I realised that again it depends. Management accounting is condensed into MAC and believe me, it really zooms past you like a fighter plane flying on the same speed (MAC is like the speed of sound, if I am correct, which is used to represent the speed of fighter airplanes). Organizational behaviour alone is a combination of more than 5 mainstream subjects of education. Even computer engineers (I am not talking about computer engineers like me who obviously find everything difficult and are constantly complaining about the deadlines and all) find it difficult to cope up with the nuissances of Management Information System. And if this is not enough, a first course in statistics will blow the hell out of your mind. Wait, these are only four subjects, two more in a trimester. Surprise quizzes which are announced only half an hour earlier, assignments (forgot those good old engineering days of mass copying) and yeah you won't get any marks for completing them in time but you will loose marks if you miss the deadline, Presentations (that's really a scary word for the MBA students) can very well make you go crazy.
Well, this is just a picture of how things can change from graudation to post graduation. But well, again the same golden rule applies here. "It depends, It always depends".


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