Beating the stress..
Trimester end examinations have been anounced and the schedule is enough to drive everyone crazy. But, I am at peace with two of my three favorite movies. Over the years I have observed that whenever i feel stress piling up on me, I take my refuge in watching either Lord of the rings, Saving private Ryan or Forrest Gump. These movies had such a great imapct on me that somehow I always find them new refreshing.
I have started thinking that taking too much of stress is somewhat against my character and I will study only when its absolutely necessary. The result is too much of back log piling on. I started with an aim of getting all A's. Now, the revised estimates are getting atleast 50% A's. Let's see whare I end up after two weeks but well, atleast I won't be regretting for not being grade conscious.
I have just started with my MBA and if there is something to be jusdged from the restlessness of all people around me then, I can very well sense the things which are in line. That's the strange thing about MBA, when you study you wish you could have 30 hours in a day and when you sleep you again wish you'd have 30 hours in a day. But well the trick is in deciding your priority. Learn whatever you can in whatever time you get from whomever is possible. Now, the question is what I am learning from movies? I hope most of you can answer this question and if you can't, then try watching one on a night when you are very tensed.
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