"Life is difficult" My favorite book The Road Less Traveled starts with this sentence but putting it in my words, life is simply hard to understand. And the hardest is the fact that inspite of knowing all this we just keep making attempts to solve the puzzle. The more we try the confusing it becomes. We make plans and they fail, and we think that planning is worse. We don't make plans and still fail and start thinking that why the hell we didn't plan things? So what is the option? simply fail without planning or better plan and fail?
Nobody can tell with certainty that what is better. Similarly we make choices and feel bad if they go wrong, we still feel bad when we have no choice and just one option. Everything goes in a vicious circle and things keep coming back to you. Your past revolves around you and at times and again keep reminding you about the person you are, your merits, demerits, strengths and weaknesses but still we chose to ignore them. We know what is right what is wrong but still make mistakes sometimes knowingly, sometimes unknowingly. But then isn't it human to make mistakes? Isn't this human to have mood swings or having a blank mind when you don't actually know what you are thinking about.
I often wonder that what is this which makes all of us insecure, fragile and vulnerable. Is it just emotion? Or something bigger, broader beyond the comprehension of our human minds? Don't know for certain but it looks like to me that there are many wires coiled together each signifying a different emotions a different response. If they come too close they get short circuited and then we feel that blankness inside us. What is important, what is less important what is more important, we often confuse things.
Well, we are not that innocent race and my feeling is that we know all the answers, while chosing something for us we know that where it would go but still we just keep thinking that things will become fine. Inspite of the knowledge of obvious we keep praying that something good will happen, as if like some fairy someday will swing her magic wand over our heads and set the things right. The problem is not with the results the problem lies in our thinking process. We all know that rational is good emotional is not so good but then we make all the emotional decisions look like rational ones by justifying ourselves in one way or another. I don't know, I don't think so, I am not sure, Whatever.. these words are simple clues that we know but still don't want to think or be sure about. We just want to go along with the tide and see where it chose to slow down.
Anyways does that mean we shouldn't be emotional or something? Ofcourse not, confusion is what makes you look like human. Your mood swings proves that you are exposed to different emotions and can respond differently. So you see this is perfectly human to have mood swings, this is a part of the growing up. The more you are exposed to your environment the more mature you will become. Growing up not only means growing up physically, it is growing up emotionally also.
Being in a position where you can have the luxury of choices is really lucky and even if you mess up with it just be ready to face the consequences. We all have made unprofessional decisions in the past and not all of them have went wrong, we all have made rational and well thought out decisions in the past and not all of them have went right. So what essentially makes us all perfect is our ability to think and analyze. Anyways, I don't know why I am writing all this but still it feels human to bring out emotions. Hahaha