Dreamzzz, Desires n Desperation...: Important things and very important things..

Apr 3, 2007

Important things and very important things..

We all talk about prioritizing things in order to get the decisions right but then the most difficult task is to get your priorties right. Money or relationship? Relationship or better relationship? Money or more money? Peace of mind or sleep disorder? Overconcentration or diversify? These are some of the difficult questions that we need to answer in order to get our priorities right. Sometimes the answer seems to be pretty simple but sometimes a daunting task as life is not a random function rather a dependent variable on many many independent, unpredictable variables. Leaving aside mathematics of life, you have to make choices or trade offs at times and these choices are not always dependent. You run the risk of overconcentrating on one thing while loosing on the other things, you find happiness in one thing quitting other and later realizing that the choice you made was wrong or you simply predicted a wrong variable which doesn't went well.

I haven't started with my career yet and these things have started haunting me. Though I appear to be cool, calm and composed from exterior but beneath that rough exterior lies a confused soul as human as anybody. A person who is vulnerable to emotions and his weakness is reading people's mind. Well, I don't know whether the decisions that I have made in the past were right or not and I am not also sure about my future decisions but have decided to use a simple matrix.. There are just two kind of things existing in life. Some are important and some are very very important. Don't know about the important ones but I am sure about the very very important one. Hope, like always I will be able to defend my decision and can live with the consequences.

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