Dreamzzz, Desires n Desperation...: Consensus--> Majority--> Representation --> Where next??

Feb 28, 2007

Consensus--> Majority--> Representation --> Where next??

What is the best way to take a decision? Is it by consensus or majority or by a representative group of individuals? Well, each has its own advantages and disadvantages and the trade-offs are generally on participants satisfaction and participation level. Anyways, generally the trend is that people start with a broader goal of getting a consensus then at-least a majority (first deviation) and if this is also proving to be a road-block then go for the ultimate route of indiviudalism. Well, this is the way most of the decisions are taken by our govt and even by us. After a certain point, nothing matters, nothing except our personal opinions, judgements, fears, biases and prejudices. True for me, true for most of us.

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